2024 Camp Tasty Gazette Vol. 4 – Register NOW to avoid late fees + LOTS of new details 

Happy Trails Tasty Campers!

Welcome to the 4th edition of the Camp Tasty Gazette. This email is packed with a lot of new details so please take a moment to read it thoroughly, even if you’ve already registered. And for anyone new to the thread, a reminder that Camp Tasty is Sep 27-30 at Black Oak Ranch, about 3 hrs north of San Francisco. 

We strongly encourage you all to stay through Monday as we had SUCH a blast last year Sunday afternoon and evening. Some things on the docket for Sunday that should entice you: “Todd Talks”, jazz show/wine/cheese happy hour, and an epic Cobo/Kris Viera B2B DJ set Sunday night. Now without further adieu, the details in this massive email.

In this edition…

  • Registration Reminder
  • Items Needed
  • Volunteers Needed
  • Teepee Crawl
  • Family Feud
  • Rideshare + Camper Van / Trailers

Registration Reminder (prices go up Sept 16)

If you haven’t signed up yet, we encourage you to do so now! A reminder that starting Sep 16, prices go up! Besides saving you a bit of cash, registering now helps us with planning as we’re less than three weeks away. And swag will be prioritized in order of registration. Supplies are limited. If you already registered but haven’t sent a payment yet, please do that ASAP! To send payment, PayPal the total amount as a PERSONAL payment to: https://paypal.me/tastysf. To make alternate payment arrangements, please email tastytastysf@gmail.com. And if you need help calculating your camp dues, we’ve made this handy dandy calculator to help you out.

  • Adults 18+: $295 until Sep 15. $330 afterwards.
  • Youth 6-17: $160 (No late pricing for youth.) 
  • Kids <5: $0
  • Tasty hat add on: $35 ea (limited supplies left)

Items Needed

Our Camp Captains have been hard at work planning some amazing things for this year. But we need your help with any items you can lend. Below is a list of what we are in search of so far. If you have any of these please either fill out the contribution form or email our captains at camp-tasty-captains-2024@googlegroups.com

Photo booth needs

  • Diffused lights with stands

Activities needs

  • Clothing racks
  • Washable paint
  • Small paint brushes 

Ambiance / Chill Teepee Needs:

  • Blankets & sheets
  • Electric blankets
  • Hammocks + quilts for under the hammocks
  • Inflatable decorations (think wacky wavy, etc)
  • Inflatable furniture
  • Inflatable round swimming pool
  • Portable electric heaters
  • Cushions
  • Black lights
  • Electric balloon pump 
  • Large zip ties
  • Neon/white fabric 

Volunteers Needed

In addition to general volunteer needs, for those who wanna show off their love of food, we’re looking for folks to both lead and help with the following food activities. If you are interested, please either fill out the contribution form or email our captains at camp-tasty-captains-2024@googlegroups.com.  

  • Bloody Mary Bar
  • Mimosa Bar
  • Smores
  • Chai/tea station
  • Ice cream social

Teepee Crawl

A reminder that there is still time to submit your idea for our teepee crawl. We have stipends left to make your vision come true! And if you don’t want to start one yourself, consider pairing up with people who already have an idea and need help executing. If you are interested, please either fill out the contribution form or email our captains at camp-tasty-captains-2024@googlegroups.com.  

Framily Feud

This year Pub Quiz is out and Tasty Framily Feud is in! But “survey says” this game will only work with your answers. We want 100% participation, so please make Richard Dawson proud and answer this short survey NOW!: https://forms.gle/XEpX4X9vdXdHL9Qo8 

Rideshare + Camper Van / Trailers (limited space)

Camp Tasty is about three hours north of SF / Oakland, in Laytonville, CA. Carpooling is highly encouraged! We’ve set up this spreadsheet where you can coordinate rideshares. Also, please note that there is LIMITED SPACE in Tony Town for camper vans / trailers. There are no camper vans / trailers allowed in the main camping area. Priority will go to planners / setup crew. After that, it will be in the order which people register and inform us they need space for their camper van/ trailer. If you haven’t already told us, please reply to this email so we can plan accordingly. Note that anyone is allowed to sleep in their vehicle in the parking area if they wish.

That’s all for now. Remember to register! We’ll be back next week with even more details. 

Happy trails!

 Jen & your Camp Tasty Captains 

2024 Camp Tasty Gazette Vol. 3 – Reminder to Register and Contribute! 

Hello again!

We’re less than a month away from Camp Tasty and we wanted to send a friendly reminder of how to register, pay your camp dues, and contribute!

 Registration & Camp Dues

Please complete the registration form and submit payment by Sept 15 to avoid late fees.

  • Adults 18+: $295 until Sep 15. $330 afterwards.
  • Youth 6-17: $160 (No late pricing for youth.) 
  • Kids <5: $0
  • Tasty hat add on: $35 ea (limited supplies left)

 Paying Your Dues

After you’ve completed registration, please PayPal the total amount as a PERSONAL payment to: https://paypal.me/tastysf. To make alternate payment arrangements, please email tastytastysf@gmail.com. If you need help calculating your camp dues, use our handy dandy calculator to help you out.


A reminder that Camp Tasty is made possible (and FUN!) but everyone’s contributions. Please submit yours via this form for any of the following categories:

  • Art projects
    • Past art includes: Bear Car. The Moth. Dreamcatcher. Fluffy clouds. Disco dancefloor.
  • Dining Delights (Food & Drink)
    • Past food includes: Ice cream social. Tiki bar. Coffee bar. Lumpia rolling. Chai. Big top snacks. Dang’s famous Bamboo Lantern!
  • Lead an activity
    • Past activities include: Trivia. Talent show. Todd Talks. Aerial lessons. Bubble Olympics. Lash Bar. Dance floor Sign Language. Karaoke Lounge. Walking stick making. Kiddie pool. Bounce house.
  • Tasty Tunes (Music / DJ)
    • It wouldn’t be a Tasty event without music. Please note that there are a lot of DJs in this group. So we’ll do our best to place as many of you as possible. 
  • Themed teepee for the Teepee Crawl
    • This year’s teepee crawl theme is“Enchanted Realms.” Modest stipends are available to help teepee hosts bring their ideas to life. If you don’t have your idea totally fleshed it’s ok, submit one anyway! Note: If you wait too long to submit your idea, stipends will not be guaranteed after a certain point. 
  • Camp Champs (Volunteers)
    • Many of you know that Camp Tasty is a community event that is made possible by every single person who volunteers a bit of time. From ambiance and lighting to karaoke and kids activities, we’re putting out our call for Camp Champs to help bring this year’s event to life! Our team captains thank you in advance! 

We’ll be back soon with more details including rideshare and more.

Happy trails!

 Jen & your Camp Tasty Captains 

2024 Camp Tasty Gazette Vol. 2 – Registration is Officially Open! 

Howdy Ho Tasty Campers!

Welcome to the 2nd edition of the 2024 Camp Tasty Gazette. Now that the Olympics are over, we can fully turn our attention to the other exciting event of the year – Camp Tasty! Registration is officially open.  We’re also still looking for folks to contribute art, music, and more. 

In this edition of the Gazette…

  • Ready, Set, Register!
  • Camp Dues
  • Paying Your Dues
  • Refund policy
  • Camp Experience
  • Contribution Reminder

Ready, Set, Register!

Camp Tasty registration is now open! Please complete the registration form and submit your camp dues to lock in your place. First folks to register get preferential placement and our planners’ gratitude. Register and pay your dues by Sunday, Sept. 15 to avoid late fees. If you are nearly positive you’ll come, but not quite ready to commit, complete the registration form anyway, or let us know via email, so we can plan accordingly.

Camp Dues

  • Adults 18+: $295 until Sep 15. $330 afterwards.
  • Youth 6-17: $160 (No late pricing for youth.)
  • Kids <5: $0
  • Tasty hat add on: $35 ea (limited supplies left)

Paying Your Dues

To secure your spot at Camp Tasty, complete the registration form and then PayPal the total amount as a PERSONAL payment to: https://paypal.me/tastysf. To make alternate payment arrangements, please email tastytastysf@gmail.com. If you need help calculating your camp dues, we’ve made this handy dandy calculator to help you out.

Refund policy

We know unexpected things can happen, but we also have significant upfront budget commitments for planning for this event and once those are locked in we need to cover those costs. So any time before Sep 15, we can provide a full refund of your camp dues. After Sep 15, we’ll return as much as we can.

Camp Experience

In case you’re new to Camp Tasty, a reminder of what’s in store for you:

  • Music-filled nights and fun-filled days at the Black Oak Ranch in Laytonville, CA.
  • All meals from Friday dinner to Monday brunch
  • Tasty snacks and late night eats
  • Teepees for sleeping, bathrooms, showers, kitchen facilities, and parking
  • Unparalleled community, priceless memories, and much much more!


A reminder that Camp Tasty is made possible (and FUN!) by everyone’s contributions. Please submit yours via this form for any of these categories:

  • Art projects
    • Past art includes: Bear Car. The Moth. Dreamcatcher. Fluffy clouds. Disco dancefloor.
  • Dining Delights (Food & Drink)
    • Past food includes: Ice cream social. Tiki bar. Coffee bar. Lumpia rolling. Chai. Big top snacks. Dang’s famous Bamboo Lantern!
  • Lead an activity
    • Past activities include: Trivia. Talent show. Todd Talks. Aerial lessons. Bubble Olympics. Lash Bar. Dance floor Sign Language. Karaoke Lounge. Walking stick making. Kiddie pool. Bounce house.
  • Tasty Tunes (Music / DJ)
    • It wouldn’t be a Tasty event without music. Please note that there are a lot of DJs in this group. So we’ll do our best to place as many of you as possible. 
  • Themed teepee for the Teepee Crawl
    • This year’s teepee crawl theme is“Enchanted Realms.” Modest stipends are available to help teepee hosts bring their ideas to life. If you don’t have your idea totally fleshed it’s ok, submit one anyway! Note: If you wait too long to submit your idea, stipends will not be guaranteed after a certain point. 
  • Camp Champs (Volunteers)
    • Many of you know that Camp Tasty is a community event that is made possible by every single person who volunteers a bit of time. From ambiance and lighting to karaoke and kids activities, we’re putting out our call for Camp Champs to help bring this year’s event to life! Our team captains thank you in advance! 

That’s all for now. Happy trails!

Jen & your Camp Tasty Captains 

2024 Camp Tasty Gazette Vol. 1 – Call for Camp Contributions!

Hey Tasty Crew!

Summer is in full swing and we’re gearing up for Camp Tasty! We’re heading back to Black Oak Ranch for another fun-filled weekend – Sep 27-30. We’ll be sending out ticket details in a couple weeks. In the meantime, we’re putting a call out for contributions. We’ve streamlined the process this year so that all contributions can be collected at once, in this one form.

Contributions are welcome for the following categories:

Art projects

Past art includes: Bear Car. The Moth. Dreamcatcher. Fluffy clouds. Disco dancefloor.

Dining Delights (Food & Drink)

Past food includes: Ice cream social. Tiki bar. Coffee bar. Lumpia rolling. Chai. Big top snacks. Dang’s famous Bamboo Lantern!

Lead an activity

Past activities include: Trivia. Talent show. Todd Talks. Aerial lessons. Bubble Olympics. Lash Bar. Dance floor Sign Language. Karaoke Lounge. Walking stick making. Kiddie pool. Bounce house.

Tasty Tunes (Music / DJ)

It wouldn’t be a Tasty event without music. Please note that there are a lot of DJs in this group. So we’ll do our best to place as many of you as possible.

Themed teepee for the Teepee Crawl

This year we are announcing the teepee crawl theme early so folks have plenty of time to come up with their ideas! “Enchanted Realms” (see details below) – Modest stipends are available to help teepee hosts bring their ideas to life. If you don’t have your idea totally fleshed it’s ok, submit one anyway! Note: If you wait too long to submit your idea, stipends will not be guaranteed after a certain point.

Camp Champs (Volunteers)

Many of you know that Camp Tasty is a community event that is made possible by every single person who volunteers a bit of time. From ambiance and lighting to karaoke and kids activities, we’re putting out our call for Camp Champs to help bring this year’s event to life! Our team captains thank you in advance!

Teepee Theme – Enchanted Realms

We invite you to journey to mystical and mythical lands where magic and wonder are woven into every corner and fairy tales are written. While these may look like teepees from afar, upon closer examination reveal portals to strange, enchanted worlds full of new realities. From lush, hidden forests to underwater kingdoms to sparkling fairy glades, we invite you to conjure up your very own Enchanted Realm, a temporal universe where the laws of logic take a holiday and the surreal becomes real.

Be inspired by AI’s best ideas while we challenge you to do outdo them, including:

  • A Whimsical Mushroom Forest where tea parties are held in giant toadstools and giggling pixies play hide-and-seek in the ferns?
  • A Cloud Castle floating amidst fluffy cumulus, complete with marshmallow turrets and rainbow slides?
  • A Kaleidoscopic Coral Reef where fish wear top hats, seahorses play the ukulele, and octopuses conduct orchestras of singing clams?
  • Jack’s Cosmic Beanstalk, where the giant is an alien and the golden eggs are filled with stardust?
  • A Land of Eternal Midnight where fireflies illuminate the darkness, and owls deliver invitations to moonlit balls?
  • Cinderella’s Punk Rock Ball, where glass slippers are replaced with Doc Martens and the Fairy Godmother is a tattoo artist?
  • A Topsy-Turvy Village where houses stand on their chimneys, rivers flow uphill, and cats bark at upside-down dogs?
  • A Giant’s Kitchen where pots and pans are the size of hot tubs, and the aroma of freshly baked gingerbread wafts through the air?
  • Or perhaps a realm so fantastical that it defies description, a place where the impossible becomes possible, and the absurd becomes the norm?

Let the magic flow as you transform your teepee into an Enchanted Realm that will leave all who enter equally flummoxed and delighted!

The realms await you. ✨