🌟Camp Tasty Gazette Vol. 3 – Register to avoid late fees, Teepee Crawl, Waivers, and More! 🌟

Happy Trails Tasty Campers!

Welcome to the 3rd edition of the 2023 Camp Tasty Gazette. In case you missed the first two messages, we have them all saved on our tastysf.org site. 

In this edition…

  • Avoid late fees
  • Paying Your Dues
  • Teepee Crawl
  • Waivers
  • BYOB
  • Rideshare
  • Camp Champs (aka Volunteers)

Avoid late fees

If you haven’t registered yet, do it now! Starting tomorrow, Sep 15, prices will go up. Besides saving you a bit of cash, registering now helps us with planning. Thanks for helping us out! A reminder, if you already registered but haven’t sent a payment yet, please do that ASAP! 

  • Adults: $275 until Sep 15. $300 afterwards.
  • Kids ages 6-13: $150
  • Kids ages 3-5: $60
  • Kids ages 2 and under: Free
  • Scholarships: If money’s tight this year, email us and let’s work something out. We want you here!

Paying Your Dues

To secure your spot at Camp Tasty, complete the registration form and then PayPal the total amount as a PERSONAL payment to: https://paypal.me/tastysf. To make alternate payment arrangements, please email tastytastysf@gmail.com. If you need help calculating your camp dues, we’ve made this  to help you out.

Teepee Crawl 

Idea by Brent and Amit V, copy by none other than our good friend, ChatGPT

 Are you ready to turn ordinary teepees into extraordinary dreamscape havens? Welcome to the “In Dreams” Teepee Crawl—an enchanting journey that invites you to unleash your creativity and transport participants into a world of whimsy, wonder, and pure imagination! 

 About “In Dreams” Teepee Crawl

Imagine a night where teepees are not just structures but gateways to fantastical realms. We’re calling upon creators, dreamers, and visionaries to transform these spaces into dreamscapes that will leave participants of all ages awestruck.

 What We’re Looking For

  • 🎨 Dream-Inspired Designs: We invite everyone to submit proposals for teepee transformations that are inspired by dreams, fantasies, and the surreal. Let your imagination run wild and create a dreamscape that will captivate all who enter.
  • 🔮 Interactive Experiences: Dream-themed activities, games, or installations that engage participants and immerse them in a world of wonder. Make them feel like they’ve stepped into a dream they never want to wake up from.
  • 🪄 Otherworldly Concoctions: Kid and adult friendly treats encouraged, from angelic desserts to Dali-esque cocktails 

 How to Submit Your Entry

Sign up through this form by Sep 22. Modest stipends are available to help teepee hosts bring their dream to life. If you don’t have your idea totally fleshed out before Sep 22, submit one anyway! We don’t want to limit the possibilities based on time constraints. However, we need to start planning and stipends cannot be guaranteed after Sep 22. Join us in making dreams come true at the “In Dreams” Teepee Crawl, where creativity knows no bounds. We can’t wait to see your dreamy designs and experiences come to life!


Every adult participating in Camp Tasty will be required to sign a waiver, including covering any minors attending with them. We’ll start sending out requests for signatures via DocuSign later this week. Watch your inbox! 


Since it worked out so well last year, we’re going to keep with our BYOB idea, with of course the intention to share with your fellow campers. We’ll still have bar infrastructure setup, including ice and coolers, but you bring the booze, non-alcoholic drinks, and mixers. 


Camp Tasty is about three hours north of SF / Oakland, in Laytonville, CA. Carpooling is highly encouraged! You can request/offer a ride via this spreadsheet

Camp Champs (aka Volunteers)

Thank you to everyone who has signed up to teams. Again, we ask that everyone contribute some of their time. You can indicate the areas you want to help in the registration form and/or add your name to this spreadsheet. And don’t worry, we’ll tap folks on the ground as needed!

That is all for now folks. Look out for another email on 9/25, this time to the Google Group (we will add all registered campers to this group) with more details on what to expect at the campout including general program, logistics, suggested packing list, and more!

Happy trails!

📢 Jen & your Camp Tasty Directors 📢

Camp Tasty Gazette Vol. 2 – Registration Reminder, Art, DJs, Volunteer, and more! 

Howdy Ho Tasty Campers!

Welcome to the 2nd edition of the 2023 Camp Tasty Gazette. In case you missed the first, we have them all saved on our tastysf.org site. 

In this edition…

  • Registration reminder
  • Paying Your Dues
  • Camp Experience
  • Art Projects & Tasty Tunes
  • Camp Champs (aka Volunteers)

Registration Reminder

We know some of you probably just emerged from the muddy swamp in the desert or full from noshing over the long Labor Day weekend, so we’re here just to send a quick reminder to please register ASAP and send payment by Sep 15 to get the discounted rate. And to give you peace of mind if you are unsure about being able to go, any time before Sep 15, we can provide a full refund of your camp dues. After Sep 15, we’ll return as much as we can. As a reminder the camp dues are the following:

  • Adults: $275 until Sep 15. $300 afterwards.
  • Kids ages 6-13: $150
  • Kids ages 3-5: $60
  • Kids ages 2 and under: Free
  • Scholarships: If money’s tight this year, email us and let’s work something out. We want you here!

Paying Your Dues

To secure your spot at Camp Tasty, complete the registration form and then PayPal the total amount as a PERSONAL payment to: https://paypal.me/tastysf. To make alternate payment arrangements, please email tastytastysf@gmail.com. If you need help calculating your camp dues, we’ve made this  to help you out.

Camp Experience

  • Setup will be on Thur, Oct 5 with Camp officially starting Fri, Oct 6 through Mon, Oct 9. Due to overwhelming demand we’ve extended camp to be THREE FULL NIGHTS at the Black Oak Ranch in Laytonville, CA. This year Sunday night we will have a full lineup of DJs and music, so make plans to stay through till Monday, Oct 9. Monday is Indigenous People’s day so hopefully most of you have the day off and can stick around for a fun-filled day!
  • All meals from Friday dinner to Monday brunch
  • Tasty snacks and late night eats
  • Teepees for sleeping, bathrooms, showers, kitchen facilities, and parking
  • Unparalleled community, priceless memories, and much much more!

Art Projects & Tasty Tunes

We’ve got a range of activities, beats, and art lining up for the weekend. If you’ve got an idea for an activity or art project or you’d like to DJing a set, let us know by emailing us at tastytastysf@gmail.com. Just a heads up that we have a lot of DJs in the crew, so we may not be able to accommodate everyone who wants to spin. We will do our best.

Camp Champs (aka Volunteers)

As a reminder, Camp Tasty is a community event that is made possible by every single person who volunteers a bit of time. We ask that everyone contribute some of their time. Whether it’s helping with a kids activity or sticking around for strike on Monday (the biggest area for help!), any and all participation is encouraged and deeply appreciated. You can indicate the areas you want to help in the registration for and/or add your name to this spreadsheet. Our team captains thank you in advance and will be reaching out soon with more details. 

That’s all for now. We’ll send another issue of the Gazette on Sep 14 as a last reminder for early registration and more details about Camp Tasty including our highly anticipated Teepee Crawl theme and all the details associated with that.

Happy trails!

📢 Jen & your Camp Tasty Directors 📢

🌟 Camp Tasty 2023 Gazette Vol. 1 — Registration is Officially Open! 🌟

Helloooooo Campers!

Welcome to the first installment of the 2023 Camp Tasty Gazette. I’m Jen, your Camp Comms Director, reporting for duty. We are back for another fun-filled weekend (3 nights this year!) at the famed Black Oak Ranch, located three hours north of San Francisco! 2023 marks the 6th year of the biggest little campout around. Whether you’re a Tasty old timer or a wee Tasty Tot, you are in store for another amazing weekend full of community, beats, eats, and all kinds of special treats. It’s time to dust off your dancing shoes, roll up your sleeves, and reserve your spot today! And if you don’t have time to read this all the way through, check out tastysf.org for all the essential details.

In this edition…

  • Camp Roster
  • Ready, Set, Register!
  • Camp Experience
  • Camp Dues
  • Paying Your Dues
  • Refund policy
  • Camp Champs (aka Volunteers)

Camp Roster

You, your family, and any friends of all ages who you think would be great additions to Camp Tasty. Feel free to forward this email to them and have them join our email list.

Ready, Set, Register!

Camp Tasty registration is now open! Please complete the registration form and submit your camp dues to lock in your place. First folks to register get preferential placement and our planners’ gratitude. Register and pay your dues by Friday, Sept. 15 to avoid late fees. If you are nearly positive you’ll come, but not quite ready to commit, complete the registration form anyway, or let us know via email, so we can plan accordingly.

Camp Experience

  • Music-filled nights and fun-filled days at the Black Oak Ranch in Laytonville, CA from Friday, Oct 6 – Mon, Oct 9. Stick around for strike on Monday and celebrate Indigenous People’s Day together (check if your company gives you this holiday!)
  • All meals from Friday dinner to Monday brunch
  • Tasty snacks and late night eats
  • Teepees for sleeping, bathrooms, showers, kitchen facilities, and parking
  • Unparalleled community, priceless memories, and much much more!
  • Please email us at tastytastysf@gmail.com with any questions.

Camp Dues

  • Adults: $275 until Sep 15. $300 afterwards.
  • Kids ages 6-13: $150
  • Kids ages 3-5: $60
  • Kids ages 2 and under: Free

Scholarships: If money’s tight this year, email us and let’s work something out. We want you here!

Paying Your Dues

To secure your spot at Camp Tasty, complete the registration form and then PayPal the total amount as a PERSONAL payment to: https://paypal.me/tastysf. To make alternate payment arrangements, please email tastytastysf@gmail.com. If you need help calculating your camp dues, we’ve made this to help you out.

Refund policy

We know unexpected things can happen, but we also have significant upfront budget commitments for planning for this event and once those are locked in we need to cover those costs. So any time before Sep 15, we can provide a full refund of your camp dues. After Sep 15, we’ll return as much as we can.

Camp Champs (aka Volunteers)

Camp Tasty is a community event that is made possible by every single person who volunteers a bit of time. From ambiance and lighting to karaoke and kids activities, we’re putting out a call out for Camp Champs to help bring this year’s event to life! Please be sure to register early and let us know how you’d like to participate. You can also add your name to this volunteer spreadsheet if you are not ready to complete registration. Our team captains thank you in advance!

That’s a wrap for now! Stay tuned for more details about the venue, packing tips, activities, and more. If you’ve got any burning questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. And remember, the early camper gets the marshmallow (and preferential placement). So rally your crew and secure your spot today.

Happy trails!

📣 Jen & your Camp Tasty Directors 📣

The Rabbit beckons! Final missive: Tasty Lunar New Year

Rain or shine, the gods and goddesses will be smiling upon us this Saturday for the SOLD OUT Tasty Lunar New Year celebration. The team’s been working tirelessly 😘 and their efforts are paying off. And don’t worry, even if it’s raining, we’ve got plenty of space and a roof overhead to do our thing. Without further ado, the final missive with Required Reading and What’s in Store.

Please share with any of your guests coming with you. We’ll see you Saturday! 

-Tasty Lunar New Year Crew



You’ll want to come early, cause the first half of the evening has a ton of fun in store. The festivities kick off at 7pm with wine tasting, potluck dinner, an interactive game, and music in the lounge by AWAZ x B-Haul, Heidi, live music by Nolan Love, and the Sockpuppet Soundsystem! Don’t miss The Game within the Game, masterminded by JB and Kinnari. And prepare your appetite for Chef Dang’s Bamboo Lantern food cart, which lights up around 8pm with Asian-inspired moules frites. 

Starting at 10pm, we take the party to the dancefloor for a Tasty bunnyhop with Wütrjügz, Masti, Cobo, and Jeronomous rockin’ till 2am with VJ-ing by Rubeun! Dress in your finest red and gold for bonus points! And make sure to snap a picture or two in the photobooth so you know it wasn’t just a dream.

  • The Study/Purity Wine: 1401 Marina Way S #280, Richmond, CA 94804
  • 7pm on


We’re asking everyone to contribute to the potluck dinner and dessert! If you have yet to sign up for something, please do that here:

Potluck Signup


Just a final request to please take a (negative) Covid test before coming. Your community thanks you for your care!


We encourage everyone to make your way to and from the venue safely! The wine will be flowing, so make sure you’ve got a plan. Here are some ideas:

  • Lyft/Uber/Taxi from home/BART/ferry
  • Ferry from SF Ferry Building to Richmond Ferry Building (10 minute walk to venue): Departure times at 6pm and 8:10pm (link to ferry info)
  • Richmond BART (2 miles from venue): Last BART to SF leaves at 12:30am (link to BART trip planner)
  • Carpool – see the list of attendees and grab a ride with a friend who’s driving
  • Car Camp – There is ample parking at the venue. If need be, bring a sleeping bag and crash in your car/van/RV till morning!


Get ready to stuff the red envelopes! We’ll be raising funds at the event for Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach. This Bay Area non-profit has provided legal aid in native languages to immigrants for over 47 years. Their pro bono attorneys help clients tackle a range of issues from housing insecurity, sex trafficking, domestic violence, elder abuse, and more. Navigating the legal system is a challenge for non-native English speakers and immigrants unfamiliar with the system. API Legal Outreach has been a go-to provider of services since 1965. We’ll be donating proceeds from this event to APILO. See Heidi for any and all details on how to give.



We’re sold out! It’s been a long time since we’ve had a gathering in the Bay Area, and the guest list confirms it! We’ve got a great reunion in store of 100 Tasty friends and family old and new coming from all parts for the night. A special night’s in the making…

-> Tasty Lunar New Year Attendees


Tim and Amit have put together a very special lineup of Tasty talent old and new! Camp Tasty legends Cobo and Jeronomous are ready for primetime once again, Nolan Love’ll be adding his live music into the mix, Heidi’ll be rocking her first Tasty set, new faves Masti and Wütrjügz are back for more, the Sockpuppet Soundsystem reunites, and Tasty OG’s AWAZ and B-Haul kick things off!

7:00 PMAWAZ (Amit W) vs. B-Haul (Brent)
7:45 PMOtter Limits (Heidi)
8:30 PMNolan Love (live)
8:45 PMThe Sockpuppet Soundsystem (Brother Kris, Jaybee, Tones)
10:00 PMWütrjügz (Max)
11:00 PMCobo
12:00 AMDj Masti (Mustapha)
1:00 AMJeronomous (Jeremy)


Saturday evening, you’ll have a chance to taste some of the best examples of zero-zero wine, the most natural of the natural wines! This means absolutely nothing is added or removed during the winemaking process that’s not naturally present in the wine. It’s zero intervention in the vineyard, nor in the barrel and bottle, and will give you the truest expression of the grapes you can get. It’s not too late to pre-order wine, but you’ll also be able to buy any wines that strike your fancy that evening.

Don’t miss a chance to speak with Noel, who is Purity Wine, about his ethos and approach to winemaking, as well as his mission to make natural wines accessible to communities underrepresented in traditional wine circles.

Purity will be pouring wine across the flavor and color spectrum, so get your glass ready! 

*Special thanks to Nate K and London for their wine donations


  • 2021 Shake Up! – Pinot Gris – raspberry, strawberry, carbo forward, bubble gum freshness
  • 2022 Midnight Haze – Zinfandel – Russian River – deep dark juicy black fruit, mountain herbs, big bodied wine with soft tannins


  • 2020 The Lost Barrel – Sauvignon Blanc – Contra Costa – lightly orange, herby, floral, delicate and mineral
  • 2021 Lemon Kisses – Sauvignon Blanc – Contra Costa County – citrus, spice, sea like brininess, a little texture from skin contact, dry


  • 2021 Oranjeena – Marsanne – whole cluster macerated, honeyed, herbal, structured with a kiss of brett
  • 2022 Party Favors – Muscat – Lodi – direct press, smells of citrus and acacia blossoms, slight bitter finish, medium bodied, zippy, but not lean


  • 2021 Ops! – Sonoma – Mendocino – Sierra Foothills Red blend of Pinot Noir, Carignan, Grenache, Syrah and Roussanne – lighter and softer bodied, tart cherry, strawberries and figs with a cedar tobacco finish
  • 2018 Spicebox  – Mourvedre – Rough and Ready – tart cherry with an oxidative quality reminiscent of toasted walnuts; complex warm spices (mace, clove, cinnamon, nutmeg), light and elegant with a structured finish


On the wine bar walls, where we’ll be projecting a visual tasting menu of Asian cinema across the diaspora to get you in the mood. We won’t do them proper justice, so add these to your queue to watch at home!

In the Mood for Love (2000, Hong Kong)

Nobody portrays moody love like Wong Kar Wai. “Dizzy with a romantic spirit that’s been missing from the cinema forever.”

The Dragon Painter (1919, USA)

This groundbreaking 1919 silent film features the pioneering Asian American movie star Sessue Hayakawa. “…a lyrical, visually arresting Japanese fairy-tale about a mad artist who is under the impression that the princess of his dreams lurks in an enchanted lake which has turned her into a dragon.”

Raise the Red Lantern (1991, China)

This film made Gong Li a global icon and marked Zhang Yimou’s arrival as the most accomplished Chinese filmmaker of his time. “Visually thrilling and rich with emotion.”

Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022, USA)

An instant classic with its hilarious and big-hearted sci-fi action adventure about an exhausted Chinese American woman (Michelle Yeoh) who can’t seem to finish her taxes. “…an expertly calibrated assault on the senses.”

Old Boy (2003, Korea)

Directed by Park Chan-wook (Snowpiercer), this first film in the Vengeance Trilogy put Korean (twisted) thrillers on the map. “…not for the squeamish, Park Chan-Wook’s visceral Oldboy  is a strange, powerful tale of revenge.”

The Killer (1989, Hong Kong)

Directed by Hong Kong legend John Woo, this film changed the action genre forever. “Woo didn’t satisfy himself with merely copying his heroes: he transcended them with his own ideas and innovations.”


…the first-ever Tasty wine! Introducing the limited edition, collectible “Rabbit’s Habit” syrah, brought to you by Tasty x Purity Wine! It’s a delectable wine so good, it might become your habit as well. Standard tickets include a gift bottle to go. You can also buy a bottle the night of. Design kudos to Jen!