Happy Trails Tasty Campers!
Welcome to the 3rd edition of the 2023 Camp Tasty Gazette. In case you missed the first two messages, we have them all saved on our tastysf.org site.
In this edition…
- Avoid late fees
- Paying Your Dues
- Teepee Crawl
- Waivers
- Rideshare
- Camp Champs (aka Volunteers)
Avoid late fees
If you haven’t registered yet, do it now! Starting tomorrow, Sep 15, prices will go up. Besides saving you a bit of cash, registering now helps us with planning. Thanks for helping us out! A reminder, if you already registered but haven’t sent a payment yet, please do that ASAP!
- Adults: $275 until Sep 15. $300 afterwards.
- Kids ages 6-13: $150
- Kids ages 3-5: $60
- Kids ages 2 and under: Free
- Scholarships: If money’s tight this year, email us and let’s work something out. We want you here!
Paying Your Dues
To secure your spot at Camp Tasty, complete the registration form and then PayPal the total amount as a PERSONAL payment to: https://paypal.me/tastysf. To make alternate payment arrangements, please email tastytastysf@gmail.com. If you need help calculating your camp dues, we’ve made this to help you out.
Teepee Crawl
Idea by Brent and Amit V, copy by none other than our good friend, ChatGPT
Are you ready to turn ordinary teepees into extraordinary dreamscape havens? Welcome to the “In Dreams” Teepee Crawl—an enchanting journey that invites you to unleash your creativity and transport participants into a world of whimsy, wonder, and pure imagination!
About “In Dreams” Teepee Crawl
Imagine a night where teepees are not just structures but gateways to fantastical realms. We’re calling upon creators, dreamers, and visionaries to transform these spaces into dreamscapes that will leave participants of all ages awestruck.
What We’re Looking For
Dream-Inspired Designs: We invite everyone to submit proposals for teepee transformations that are inspired by dreams, fantasies, and the surreal. Let your imagination run wild and create a dreamscape that will captivate all who enter.
Interactive Experiences: Dream-themed activities, games, or installations that engage participants and immerse them in a world of wonder. Make them feel like they’ve stepped into a dream they never want to wake up from.
Otherworldly Concoctions: Kid and adult friendly treats encouraged, from angelic desserts to Dali-esque cocktails
How to Submit Your Entry
Sign up through this form by Sep 22. Modest stipends are available to help teepee hosts bring their dream to life. If you don’t have your idea totally fleshed out before Sep 22, submit one anyway! We don’t want to limit the possibilities based on time constraints. However, we need to start planning and stipends cannot be guaranteed after Sep 22. Join us in making dreams come true at the “In Dreams” Teepee Crawl, where creativity knows no bounds. We can’t wait to see your dreamy designs and experiences come to life!
Every adult participating in Camp Tasty will be required to sign a waiver, including covering any minors attending with them. We’ll start sending out requests for signatures via DocuSign later this week. Watch your inbox!
Since it worked out so well last year, we’re going to keep with our BYOB idea, with of course the intention to share with your fellow campers. We’ll still have bar infrastructure setup, including ice and coolers, but you bring the booze, non-alcoholic drinks, and mixers.
Camp Tasty is about three hours north of SF / Oakland, in Laytonville, CA. Carpooling is highly encouraged! You can request/offer a ride via this spreadsheet.
Camp Champs (aka Volunteers)
Thank you to everyone who has signed up to teams. Again, we ask that everyone contribute some of their time. You can indicate the areas you want to help in the registration form and/or add your name to this spreadsheet. And don’t worry, we’ll tap folks on the ground as needed!
That is all for now folks. Look out for another email on 9/25, this time to the Google Group (we will add all registered campers to this group) with more details on what to expect at the campout including general program, logistics, suggested packing list, and more!
Happy trails!
Jen & your Camp Tasty Directors